Jan 13, 2011

Called up to the Majors!!!

YES... I do realize the Majors is baseball!

I picked Big Al up from practice last night and he came out carrying 2 uniforms.  I thought his uniforms were at the house and figured I must have missed something so I asked why he had them.  He very nonchalant like said... "Oh these???  They're just Varsity jersey's..."  lol.  I replied with "WHAT!?!?!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?"  and we exchanged a hard H. E. DOUBLE TOOTHPICKS YEAH high five!!!  So happy for him and his hard work... but especially his great attitude.  LOVE YA BIG AL  :)


The Laris Legacy said...

It was so good to see you today!! You look so happy!! I love that I can keep track of you on your blog. call me and we will catch up over lunch.


Carrie said...
