Oct 7, 2011

Baby J... is it a Janie Kate??? or is it a JT???

These things are sooooooo neat!!!  It's amazing what they can do with technology really :)  So here's how it works... Basically...  It's like a regular Ultra Sound.  They look around in 2D until the see what they're looking for and then they switch it to 3D and all of the sudden there is the baby's face looking at you.  Seeing it live is awesome because you can actually see hands and count fingers at times, or watch it open and close it's mouth.  SOOOO AWESOME!!!!  Once they find the shot they want they can rotate the picture around and cut things in and out of the picture (there's a LOT more floating around in there than I thought... besides a baby and a cord).  The Technician was saying  that if they cut too much of the extra stuff it cuts parts of the picture you don't want gone... like the babies face.  Sometimes they would zoom in and out and it would clear up parts of the picture and then make others look distorted.  Like the fingers... I could literally count the fingers on Baby J's hands, but to get a clear picture of the face they had to distort the hands.  Anyhow, there were 32 different pictures to choose from.  I choose the ones that are easiest to see.  Remember there is a lot floating around.  Baby J didn't really want to move its hands, so most of the pictures ended up with hands right up next to it's face.

We still want it to be a surprise but everyone has been casting there vote from looking at the face.  Soooooo have a go!!!  Justin says boy now.  My friend Candice, who came with me says girl, and that the black spot on its head in one of the pics is a bow and it will go with EVERYTHING she wears!!  (which is important to daddy to always match from head to toe!!) ;)  My sister Meshell said it's a chicken leg and skinny ankle of a boy.  I say... It STILL has Weston's nose.  Looks like Marleigh's kissable thick lips.   Alex AND Justin's Chicken legs and skinny ankles, but you could use my skinny ankles there too... SOOOOOO????  I give!!!  I really keep going back and forth.  I'm going to lean more towards girl because of how I'm carrying it and the morning sickness.  But really that's been confusing too.  So here's to a BABY J!!!  :):):))))) 

What do you think??? 

I think this is the most clear picture they got.  Both hands were up by it's face you can count the bones of the fingers on one of the hands.  The other hand got distorted clearing up the picture of the face.

A front view.  Again hands up by the face and stuff floating around.  I think Baby J had it's mouth open in this one.

I KNOW this one is a little funky looking BUT, you can totally siee it's little nose, lips and and eye.  Nose looks JUST like Stoney's (even Candice agrees with that) and I think maybe even the eye looks like him too.  The lips remind me of Marleigh tho. :):)  Just remember (for those of you that knew Weston as a baby) he was BEAUTIFUL!!! And very well could have passed as a girl...  HMMMMMMMMMM

Profile pic

This one looked like it could be trying to suck it's thumb or something... Or maybe it's sick of the paparazzi???

Chicken leg and skinny ankle.  Building up strength in that calf by jumping on Mommy's bladder ;)

This one isn't very clear but I LOVE IT!!!  It reminds me of a baby all ready to nestle down and snuggle!!  :) ...don't be disturbed buy the arm cut off above the elbow.  ;)

Oct 2, 2011

School, Sports and Stuff...

OK!!!  Tons of stuff to look at so I won't post the baby stuff until after we have the 3D Ultrasound on Thursday... So here is homecoming, football, first day of school, visits from fam and anything else that can fit under the "stuff" category :):) For those of you who didn't know, Weston broke his hand the weekend before his first football game of the season.  Then he wrecked the waggle car (refer to video) and scraped up his shoulder, arm, and leg pretty bad!!!  He finally got to play the last 3 games of the season and his team won the super bowl!!!  WOOT WOOT!!!  Big Al has been playing football and Mar has been dancing as usual.  She also just started playing Volleyball.  It's a hoot to watch!  We LOVE it!!! ...scroll fast to see Weston running in the ball for a TD and knocking over Nick Winn in a belly bump ;)

Big Al's Touchdown

Weston's Broken hand

Big Al's date's answer for Homecoming.



Britt, Mar, Al, Kole and West

First Day of School

Knocking Nick on his head