Jan 9, 2011

Alex is 16!!!

I can NOT believe that my baby boy is 16 years old :(... I hate it bad!!!  I told him I refuse to let him get ANY older and we'll start counting backward from here. :) :)
For his birthday we told him that we would take him to the city and let him spend some time doing whatever he would like, along with spending his $100 gift card for the Buckle that he got for Christmas... BUT the weather has not been cooperating so, for his birthday we took him to dinner at The Grill.  G-ma and G-pa Taylor came along too :)  It was his Dad's night to have the kids and he needed them back by 7, but when we finished (at 6:20) Big Al wanted to know what we were going to do for the next 40 min.  I told him it was his birthday so he got to decide ...he wanted to go back to my house and hangout ...or really, START A WAR!!!  Al, Stone, and Justin busted out the Nerf guns and had a war, while Mar drove her Razor Scooter around the house dodging bullets. 
The Guns have been the BEST entertainment for the boys... They come up with some new game to play weekly.  I guess it keeps them out of my hair ;) 

Can you say 16???

He requested them to sing Happy Birthday to him :) 

Paula Revere... On her scooter .  The British are Coming!!! ;)

Trying to stay out of the zone

"Bad A" Boyz


JayeCee said...

Happy Birthday to Alex!! Hope it was amazing!!

Carrie said...

welcome to the world of having a driving kid...it's awesome.