May 19, 2008

STARS Competition

We're finally done with competitions. I'm sad yet totally sick of driving to the city! I've also been pretty much useless for the 3 days that follow... so here's to being useless for no reason!

We did so well at this competition. My girls placed high in their solos! YAY US!! Mar got 1st attendant. She competed against 6 other girls so I was very proud of her! Also she has only known the dance for about 4 weeks and she has not been a very faithful practicer! Anyhow... she was awesome!! We had a good laugh at the little extra choreography that she threw in...

We placed 1st in three of routines, 2nd in two & 4th in the other. The year end review is on Thursday. It should be fun to just perform the dances and have no expectations whatsoever.

After the competition I opted to stay the night with Stephanie & Ashlin... I'm just glad that we didn't get our butts kicked out of the hotel!! We... being as tired as we all were... ended up staying up until 2:30 or 3:00 a.m. laughing (snorting in my case), dancing, and telling all of our deepest darkest secrets! ;) We choreographed a dance that we can't wait to do at the BBQ... We called ourselves the collegiate STARS, Stephanie peed her pants... I snorted some more... Ashley organized the whole thing... and Megan got it all on video! How in the H. E. double toothpicks, the kids & the neighbors (we think :S) stayed asleep is beyond me! All in all I had sooo much fun! I can't wait to hang out with all of them again.

Anyhow, here are some of the pics from the awards ceremony. And a few of me from my STARS days. Heather made fun of my bangs... HOW RUDE! Ashley made the tutu's on the way to the competition for all of the solo girls (She's a handy little thing to have around!)... they LOVED them! Especially Mar & even Chels. AND they came in handy for the collegiate team ;)

Ashlin showing off her money maker



Dusty and Carol said...

Good job Stars!!! Everytime I get on you blog page I wonder what Trent is looking at in the picture at the top of the page. Could you help me out so I can quit wondering???

Unknown said...

Knowing Trent, I'd normally say he was looking straight down my shirt!(closet perv) and to be honest he was probably was. BUT, my board shorts had rubbed against my thigh from the water park the day before. It had rubbed a HUGE, raw sore that would bleed every time I walked. Sooo... to ruin the moment of the picture... I was complaining because I couldn't walk very far into the ocean and I was rolling to show Trent that it had started bleeding again! It turned out to be one of my favorite pictures tho. Except every time I look at it I think... DANG! The salt water was killing me!... Did that ruin all of your expectations??? lol

ronnieandjess said...

Mar was awesome!! I always new that she had some moves but there were a few new ones. I liked it and thought she did a very good job. That is funny about the picture.

Jeana said...

BANGS??? That is a full on Mullet! ha ha...Love ya...and maybe if you're lucky you won't ditch me this weekend when I come out to Neola! Err

Paul and Megan Hawkes said...

Collegiate Stars Rock! AHHHHHH! We had so much fun that night. What a great way to end a fun Competition Season! Thanks again for all you have done for the girls.

Trent and Amy said...

I think that you and the other teachers need chaperones! Good Job Mar!

The Laris Legacy said...

I was just wondering why you didn't post any pictures of us collegiate stars in our tutus? I am so sorry that your video of marliegh was so shakey, I promise i will try to do better next time!!

THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR COMING OVER TO CLEAN MY HOUSE, I hope you made it home safe, YOU DO ROCK!!! thanks for a great year

love, ashley